About: adminSIOortho

Posts by adminSIOortho:

Common Knee Injuries in Football

Post by Dr. Jeffrey N. Guttman At SIO, we see numerous football players during and after the season, many of them with serious knee injuries. The knee is highly susceptible to fractures, …

Are You Drinking Enough Fluids?

When playing sports or performing any athletic activity, it’s important to stay hydrated. Dehydration can lead to muscle fatigue and cramps. Drinking fluids will help prevent this from happening. In …

Are You Suffering From Tendonitis?

Post by Dr. Lee M Kupersmith At SIO, a lot of patients come in suffering from symptoms of tendonitis. We hope to help you better understand tendonitis so that you’ll …

Summer Activity Safety

As Summer activities such as outdoor sports and gardening become prevalent, remember to take care of your bones, muscles, joints and ligaments. While participating in any outdoor and physical activities, …

Put A Spring In Your Step With SIO

Recent injuries by famous athletes such as Eli Manning, Gustavo Ayon and Bobby Parnell, demonstrate the importance of proper medical care. Every day, injuries occur in intramural, school and team sports.That’s …

ACL Repair and the Sports Athlete

Have you experienced a tear or injury of your ACL? Dr. Jeffrey N. Guttman explains common injuries and expected surgery and recovery options for an injury of the anterior cruciate …